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Hi Jacopo,

thanks for the patch, just a couple of things, I'd like to preserve the
debug output
could you instead uncomment the debug lines and instead surround them
with a preprocessor conditional

instead of 
                Type ret = mModuleBuilder.GetType (args.Name, false);
-               //Console.WriteLine ("mModuleBuilder.GetType yields
{0}", ret);
                Type ret = mModuleBuilder.GetType (args.Name, false);
-               //Console.WriteLine ("mModuleBuilder.GetType yields
{0}", ret);
+               if ( DEBUG )
+                    Console.WriteLine ("mModuleBuilder.GetType
yields ....

also be careful of removing (maybe?) useful comments like below

-                       code.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0); // push this
+                       code.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);


                        ilGen.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj,
-                       ilGen.Emit
(OpCodes.Throw); //Exception(typeDeploymentExc);
+                       ilGen.Emit (OpCodes.Throw);


Please don't be discouraged and give it another whirl

On Wed, 2010-09-29 at 22:38 +0200, Jacopo Nespolo wrote:
Hi All,
I tried to do what you are asking people to help doing. I checked the
comments in


cleaned up a bit, and then issued a git diff on that file.
The output is in the attachment.
Please tell me if this is the way you want us to proceed, or how I
should do the job if it wasn't correct.

In any case, thanks for the job you guys do.
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