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Hi Christopher!

Am Dienstag, den 12.07.2011, 10:43 -0400 schrieb Christopher Lee:
I have to agree on the icons.  Even if they are functional, they sure aren't
pretty (and this may be unrelated, but can we please 1) Get rid of that
hideous gray/black gradient on the down arrow at the end of toolbars-- it
looks really bad and breaks up the GUI

Seems that other guys think similarly - kudos to Kendy :-)

By the way (serious question) is anybody (but e.g. Bernhard) following
the developer list and the planet?

, and 2) allow toolbar behavior, like
the showing of the "Full screen" toolbar, to be customized?).  Faenza is a
good looking theme, and while it may not be to everyone's taste, at least we
can try this one out first.

Mmh, at least for me it is already difficult to distinguish most of the
icons visible per default - the design is kind of abstract and removing
(most of) the color among (in the source files) shape reduces

Besides that, there is a need for several hundred icons that need to be
created to get a reasonable coverage for the interface. Unfortunately,
this is the main issue to add an other icon set. "Unfortunately",
LibreOffice has an incredible feature set - and a need to (more or less)
fit to the different platforms.


On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:09 AM, Sean White <> wrote:

Going back to the discussion about icons, could we possibly change the
default theme to Faenza or some other theme because when I show LibreOffice
(and OpenOffice before it) to people the two main negative reactions are:

1) The Interface is ugly and old

2) The icons are ugly

Now number one has been discussed almost to death on this mailing list but
number 2 also needs to be addressed.  Tango is a quite ugly icon pack that
looks bad on anything apart from certain linux themes.  If the interface
makes people reminisce about the late 90's and early 2000's, the icon pack
makes them believe that the software is actually that old.  Faenza, on the
other hand, has a much more modern icon pack that, when coupled with a
better interface, could give more credibility to the modernness of

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Andrew Pullins <

well that sucks, why are they going to keep it? are they going to keep it
open source? if so why did the fork take place. if not and they are going
make it proprietary software why keep the name which make no since now.

Though I can, know how, and have the tools to do so I really do not make
Icons.  I would love to help with this posses but I have never done so...
could how ever make mock icons that some one could turn into a better
 maybe for a tool that does not have an icon or something.

On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 6:30 PM, Bernhard Dippold <> wrote:

Hi Andrew, all

Andrew Pullins schrieb:

 I am new to Open Source and did not find them right away on in the
I figured that they mite be on the Libre design wiki or some thing.  I
them shortly after looking on the wiki and posting this email.


If you have interest in improving our wiki in order to help other
to find their way more easily, please raise your hand (and anybody
interested in this task, too). Our wiki can look much better than
but we haven't the time to add more helpful information and to improve
existing pages.

  So the last
I heard was that Oracle was going to donate the name Open Office back
the community.  Is there any news to update on this, and if they do is
there preparation to change Libre back to Open.

Unfortunately your information is wrong:

Oracle donated the code to Apache but kept the
property as well as the trademark as far as I know.

While our community here has been interested in getting back the name
established over ten years as quite a strong brand, Oracle decided to
a new community at Apache.

If we had got back the brand, we would have had to
if we should go back to the OOo brand, maintain both brand names by
combining them like "LibreOffice evolved from OpenOffice" or keep the
LibreOffice brand as we do now.

Because the brand has not been handed over to TDF, all these thoughts
in vain...

 I don't know what I will do
with the icons but I think that they need some revamping.  not sure if
is a wiki devoted to that or not.  the hard thing to do is get them
be the same style.  thanks for the help though.

I don't think that we already have a wiki page showing all the menu
in all their different styles.

It might be quite valuable to have an oversight.

Starting such a task might be quite a pain, so you should consider to
your work on a subpage of your wiki userpage like I did with mine:

Best regards


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Sean White,
I've Seen the Cow Level

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Christopher Lee
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--The Gunboat Debater--

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