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Perhaps this highlights some of the
problems of separating document settings from application settings, and
in particular application defaults for document settings ;-)

Ha, what it really highlights is that LibO currently doesn't separate
well. This seems the biggest bug in the current Options box (affects
Language, Colour, etc. settings).
Take a look at Scribus to see a much better approach. They've got two
completely different dialogues that set mostly the same things with
the difference being that one is per-document, the other is for the
application and all new documents.

Good catch - the setting at Calc - view will be saved in the document.

What I don't get is why the application-wide setting under
LibreOffice–Appearance overrides the per-document setting under

So .. I still find this confusing, but some people might miss this option.
I'd love to have the Usage tracking data :(

I'd say most people won't notice, but removing this completely now
that it's there doesn't seem an option—for now it probably has to
stay. Okay, is it possible to combine all the things under Objects
into one option "[X] Show graphical objects" [1] and then simply add
the new checkbox the dialogue?
If not, it's probably best to go for the Compatibility page.


[1] What's the use case for these options? Screen-reader friendliness?
Lower resource usage?

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