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Hi Bernhard, hi all!

Am Sonntag, den 17.04.2011, 00:26 +0200 schrieb Bernhard Dippold:
Christoph Noack schrieb:
I've written up some draft guidelines for the motif's use on the wiki page;
But it's early days still.

@ Bernhard, all: Would it make sense to move it / link it with the
branding pages?

The Branding page needs an overhaul - it is quite outdated in my eyes.


Not only the motif is lacking there - the icons should be reachable from 
there too.

If we consider the icons highly related to branding, then yes. If there
are just examples for how we applied the branding guidelines, then a
link to this resource might be better.

I would like to see different pages for logo (including font), icons, 
motif and derived resources for download, while general information on 
branding and perhaps the colors should stay on the main entry page 
together with graphical links for the single items.

If yes, is there a need to align the colors on the
branding page as well?

I don't understand what you want to do:

I remember that Nik once mentioned some issues with the green color
within the motif. So, phew, I really had to dig in my mail archive to
find the mail by Nik ... basically it is about the green accent color
that should be updated:

So in the current case, the motif and the branding colors should be
already aligned - great!

But, there is still the open question whether we want to change the
branding colors to something more established in the FLOSS world - e.g.
Tango? But I'd like to address this in my next reply ...

PS: If we start working on the branding page, it should be moved from to
(at least in my understanding we should avoid subpages - especially for 
pages important for more than one category - and set the relevant 
categories instead)

Okay, although I'd like to ask whether we want to to have branding
guidelines for TDF and / or LibreOffice. At the moment, the branding is
the same.

Oh, I added some points to the branding page - if anybody wants to add
some more, please check and edit:


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