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Hello Jim,

On 2025-03-02 11:44, james gamage wrote:
I am trying to associate the new outlook for windows with Libre office writer,  I have tried doing 
this in control panel and default programs with no success, any help greatly received, thank you, I 
am a blind user.

by "associating Outlook for Windows with Writer", do you mean that when you use "File" -> "Send" -> "Email ..." from Writer, a new email should open in Outlook?

As far as I understand, it should be taking the default application set in the system, but if I understand, that's what you already tried.

Since this question doesn't seem directly related to accessibility, you might try asking again on the general user mailing list (mentioned at ) on Ask ( ) or create a bug report with more details at if nobody on this list has any further ideas.


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