Hi Marco,
On 2025-01-21 14:17, Marco Zehe wrote:
The worst experience is that of an imported .docx document. That basically has this problem from
the start.
An .odt document that was created by someone else or some software like an EtherPad, reads fine,
all text is in the first multiline text field accessible. If I add to that document, each new
paragraph gets its own text accessible object, and that also remains so after saving, closing, and
reopening. As if LibreOffice differentiates between what was originally there and what was added by
the user in this application.
If I start with a fresh .odt document, each paragraph gets its own accessible, but at least things
read mostly consistently.
If someone wants to look at sample documents, I have nonsensical content that I can share
privately, don’t want to bother the list.
I haven't seen the behavior you describe with Orca on Linux or recent
NVDA versions on Windows, but I was sent a sample document that shows
behavior similar to what you describe with JAWS on Windows.
I didn't get to look into it too much yet, but from what I've seen so
far, there's some inconsistency in Writer's a11y implementation related
to off-creen content and when information gets queried via relations
What you're experiencing on macOS might be the same underlying issue.
If you have sample documents, it would be great if you could attach them
to a new bug report in Bugzilla or (in particular if you only have
documents that can't be attached to a public bug tracker) send them to
me directly.
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