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Hi Michael,

On 14/06/2024 22:25, Michael Weghorn wrote:
I agree that proper handling of focus is essential and having that work properly is definitely a priority.
and vast-majority use-cases: of getting really good & complete API and feature coverage on the focused widget, before moving off into the more tricky stuff :-)

As mentioned above: If you're aware of major issues regarding support for APIs use cases for the focused widget, please don't hesitate to mention them so they can be taken into account.

        I occasionally browse:

Which suggests there is no shortage of good things to do around the focused accessible peer. eg. "Formatted cell text is not exposed to ATs" =)

        I expect there is a lot of lowish hanging fruit still; is there not ?

As a side note, my expectation is that that apart from identifying the right way to somehow make the whole document available to ATs, many aspects (or current LO shortcomings) that will show up in an effort to implement browse mode will be relevant independent of the exact API used to expose off-screen content, and addressing those issues will also be relevant for interacting with on-screen content (e.g. incomplete/incorrect support for specific a11y interfaces, as one example you mentioned earlier).



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