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Hi Peter, all.

I'm not sure what the correct component is to report this issue, but it
doesn't seem to be an Orca bug (right?)


On Mon, 2024-06-17 at 16:08 +0200, Peter Vágner wrote:

Dňa 11. 6. 2024 o 15:52 Michael Weghorn napísal(a):
On 2024-06-11 14:29, Jason J.G. White wrote:

On 11/6/24 07:38, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
BTW, are you using Wayland and gnome-shell? If so, it sounds like Although that was
fixed four months ago.

Yes, it's GNOME-Shell under Wayland.

I just tried it again under a GNOME-Shell X11 session, and I am 
unable to reproduce the bug there.

The version of Mutter is 46.2.

I'm using KDE Plasma Wayland (plasma-workspace-wayland 4:,
can confirm that there the problem also isn't reproducible any more 
when running on X11/XWayland by setting environment variable 

I have just updated to libreoffice 24.8 beta 1 and I can reproduce this 
on wayland too.



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