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Michael wrote:
So far, I cannot reproduce this with LibreOffice and NVDA 2023.1. When I open a new 
spreadsheet and press the right arrow key, focus moves to cell B1 and NVDA announces "B1" as 
expected, etc.

Is this also broken for you (if so, what exactly happens/is announced?) or is your scenario more 

At first I was baffled as I was encountering this behavior rather consistently. However, I now 
understand why you weren't seeing the problem as well as how to correct it.
In NVDA's Document Settings I had the "Cell Coordinates" option in the "Table Information" group 
disabled. Once I enabled this option cell coordinates are being announced correctly in the manner 
expected. Normally, if this option is disabled you will just hear NVDA announce "cell" instead of 
the coordinates, such as A1, B1, etc. However, if this option is disabled I think you'll encounter 
the issue. If you start at cell A1 move to the right a few times and then move back to the left. 
You should notice that NVDA attempts to read the cell coordinates but often reads the incorrect 

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