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Alberto-2 wrote
Hi all, and used LibreOffice in its latest version and me and noticed 
that my NVDA screen reader reads not impress presentations. Is it 
possible to add support for reading the presentations with this screen 
reader? Or is it possible to implement some method to read them? Thank 
you very much for your answers.
For playing back Imperss presentation with Screen reader (NVDA or Orca) I
believe Export to tagged PDF (rather than export to HTML)  probably provides
best presentation fidelity--although embedded images and graphics may not
have any annotation/description--that depends on the author adding them.

The authoring environment is reasonably well supported for keyboard
navigation and screen reader use--but the structure of the frames and
controls are sometimes unclear while nvaigating. Too much dependence on
visual queues.  

Fortunately <F10> takes you to the Main menu, and <Sfhit> <F10> drops you
back into the slide canvas. And once homed back to a know spot,   <F6> or
<Shift>+<F6> move between the panels, supplemented with <Tab> and <cursor>
movments- and a smattering of defined  shortcut accelerators. Found here:

and here:

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