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Hi :)
Ooops!!  I forgot to let people here know about the QA competition! :(  There are "LibreOffice" t 
shirts to be won!  

Seems like the race is on to triage bugs quickly, perhaps a chance to "raise the profile" of your 
'favourite' bugs!  The competition runs until 5th July so other people may have had a good 
head-start but there is still plenty of time left to make a significant dent in the outstanding 
bugs! :)

Hmm, actually now that so many more people are aware of what to do to triage it might be easier to 
get help if you have never done anything like it before. ;)  

Note that triage does not involve any coding skills.  It's about routine office administration type 
of stuff such as making sure duplicates are correctly linked.  The most technical bit might be 
trying to work out what level of priority or urgency to give  a bug but i suspect that you only 
have to do the bits you feel comfortable doing to free-up other people to do the bits they can do.  

Good luck and happy hunting to all! :D
Regards from 
Tom :)  

From: Joel Madero <>
To: Libreoffice-qa <>; "" 
<>; libreoffice-dev <> 
Sent: Friday, 21 June 2013, 19:35
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Bug Confirmation Event Update

Hi All,

Quick update: those of you participating our doing an incredible job, if
others want to join I encourage you more than ever to do so, it's really
been a great experience for me and has once again provided proof that
together, we can get a tremendous amount done.

In less than 2 days (42.5 hours there about) we're down 98 bugs in the list
which is about 8.2% of the total count, my personal goal -- which I admit I
thought was a bit naive and hoping for too much - was to get the list down
by 25% or about 300 bugs, obviously I underestimated.

Thanks to those participating, for those thinking about it, please join!

and the QA IRC channel (#libreoffice-qa) is very active if you'd like to
come and see one of the components which makes the wheels move forward.

Warm Regards,

*Joel Madero*
LibreOffice QA Volunteer

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