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Hi Sigrid!

Am Montag, den 27.06.2011, 11:13 +0200 schrieb Sigrid Carrera:

we're currently trying to find a theme to make screenshots, that will
be used in user documentation as well as on the website and in
marketing materials. 

I've posted a screenshot with the currently agreed settings here:

Could you please all have a look at it and post any comments you
Especially if you see any drawbacks with those settings for people
with limited eyesight (like being colour blind and so on). 
Just to be sure - in our Design/User_Experience space, we do have a
tools section called "Evaluation". Once I've added the "Colorblind Web
Page Filter" that may be handy in our case:

You can check for several disabilities by selecting different menu
items. To check one of the image pages, you may use:;r=;l=0;j=1;;t=p

Unfortunately, the site seems to filter large images - so only the small
preview image seems to survive. Grrr. However, maybe this hint is
somehow useful for you.

Another test might be done via The Gimp, which also features viewing
filters to simulate color viewing disabilities.


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