Le 03/07/2018 à 17:10, demande_aide_fr@libreoffice.org a écrit :
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Email:: jeremywebb4944@hotmail.com
Sujet:: user interfqce
OS:: Windows 10
Version:: 6.0.x
Question:: How do I change the user interface language from French to English? I am currently in
France and for some reason Lw6 will only download in french even if I stipulate English!
If you go under Tools > Options > Language Settings > Languages, under
Language Of: User interace: in the drop down list, select English (USA),
it's the default language of LibreOffice, French is only a language
pack. Then restart LibreOffice and it should be en_US.
Strange that you get if in French by default however.
Kind regards
Sophie Gautier sophie.gautier@documentfoundation.org
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
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