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I would like to write this post to help people looking for this issue because
I spent a pretty lot of time to get an answer in various internet forums...
and this is poorly described.The issue is to make a selection of contiguous
words by highlighting the entire words and ending with a selection that does
not start or finish in the middle of a word, and to doing this directly with
the mouse and not by using any selection menu...In fact, this action in
LibreOffice Writer is AS EASY AS IN MICROSOFT WORD, and even nicer. The only
difference with Microsoft Word is that you have to make a double-click,
rather than a single one, when starting the selection.So, to make this kind
of selection, DOUBLE-click in the middle of the first of the words you want
to select, then WITHOUT RELEASING the mouse button, move the mouse backward
or forward to select the other contiguous words and release the mouse button
when you are inside the last word to be selected, no matter which letter of
this word you are currently pointing to. The selection will now highlight
entire words.Enjoy ! 

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