2014-06-15 14:41 GMT+02:00 Florian MARTIN <newsgroup001@synexta.fr>:
and yes, i am on the right forum i hope :)
so my issue : when mounting an OWNCLOUD server in WEBDAV i was able to EDIT
"libreoffice" documents as usual
since i use version 4.2, i got error message (and unable to access the
same file with MINT 16 OS (shipped with 4.1) works fine.
same file with windows 7 + Office works fine
same file with Mint 17 (libreoffice 4.2) does not work
same file with Mint 16 upgraded to 4.2 does not work
--> so for me it is an 4.2 issue
is there any workaround for this ? or it is a known bug ?
thanks for the help of all :)
Unfortunately, I have no idea about your issue.
However, this is the french users list, so either post the message in
french, or try again in the intl/english users list.
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