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Bonsoir à tous,

Donc, voilà, la RC4 est dispo pour vos [très courts] tests, la release
est prévue jeudi à 13h heure locale, mais si vous pouvez vérifier et
fermer (les mettre sur Closed) vos bugs favoris, c'est super :)
Merci par avance !

-------- Message original --------
Sujet: [Libreoffice-qa] [ANN] LibreOffice 4.2.0 RC4 test builds available
Date : Tue, 28 Jan 2014 20:22:30 +0100
De : Christian Lohmaier <>
Pour :,  libreOffice-QA

Hi *,

for the upcoming new version 4.2.0, the builds for rc4 are now
available on pre-releases (some windows helppacks still uploading)

Besides the usual builds, there are also 64bit builds for Mac
available for testing.

4.2.0 rc4 is an unscheduled release candidate and will be promoted to
final if no blocking issues are found.

Reminder: Starting with 4.2.0rc1, developers (and people doing some
"low-level" QA) on windows can make use of the symbol server to get
pdb files for debugging the release builds. The symbol server's URL is

and starting with 4.2.0rc2 the symbol files are also source-indexed¹.
This means the debugger can now download and display the sourcecode
that corresponds to the build².

on how to make use of it


for the complete schedule.

Grab the builds from here here:

The builds include the full set of languages.

If you've a bit of time, please give them a try & report any severe
bugs not yet in bugzilla here, so we can incorporate  them into the
release notes. Please note that it takes approximately 24 hours to
populate the mirrors, so that's about the time we have to collect

The list of fixed bugs relative to 4.2.0 RC3 is here:

So playing with the areas touched there also greatly appreciated  -
and validation that those bugs are really fixed.

Special thanks to all QA, developers, bugreporters who did make this

You'll find the number of bugs along with the names in the wiki (

Of course also big thanks to contributors who do great work in other
areas that cannot be put into numbers!

Thanks a lot for your help,

[1] generated header files or sources of the external projects that
are built as part of LibreOffice are not included.
[2] the command to checkout the sources is using powershell. Windows
XP or Vista users might have to download and install powershell
separately from the optional updates from the latest ServicePacks or
from Microsoft's download site (search for Windows Management
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