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Il y a une nouvelle soumission de bug déposée en français. L'un d'entre vous peut-il le confirmer 
ou le traduire pour nous.

Composant: Classeur
Version: release
Sujet: FORMATTING: Formatting transformation when copy-paste
Description longue: Description du problème : 
Can't reproduce the problem each time.

Sometime when copying a part of text from a source cell and paste it into another cell, the text 
pasted was transformed (often font size change and sometime font itself change).

It's more reproductible when :
- the source cell is a fusion (several cells into one)
- the destination and source cell has not the same formatting (before copy-paste)
- the copy text is only a part of the source text
- the source cell contain a text with different formatting (font size different)

Comportement actuel :
Often the paste text change it size and sometime its font

Comportement attendu :
the pasted text keep its original formatting (font, size, color...)
Système d'exploitation: Mac OS X
Version: release

Merci de nous aider,

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