Voici donc les minutes de l'ESC de cette semaine
Bonne soirée
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ...
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 15:56:45 +0100
From: Michael Meeks <>
Organization: SUSE, Inc.
To: libreoffice-dev <>, Libreoffice-qa
* Present:
+ Hangout: Andras, Caolan, Kendy, Joel, Kohei, Tsai, Michael M, Thorsten
+ Phone: Stephan, Norbert, Cloph, Eike, David, Michael S,
Astron, Cedric, Tibby
* Completed Action Items:
+ now that digest is ready, as agreed disable gerrit firehose (Bjoern)
[ done ]
+ banner advert might be good for this QA contest => chase marketing (Joel)
+ chase QA banner ad for the contest (Astron)
[ chasing in progress, hoping for something tonight ]
AI: + tweak text on the pre-release page (Cloph)
* Pending Action items:
+ get remaining GOSC guys introduced on the QA list (Cedric)
+ update visible bugzilla versions to hide ~all legacy versions (Joel)
[ bsa fixing in progress ]
+ setup a UX Advice bz component and default CC the ux-advise ML (Joel)
* Release Engineering update (Cloph)
+ Petr missed & on holiday for two weeks
+ Cloph carrying the flag
+ 4.1.0 RC1 update
+ two (translation + help) related bugfix tags needed
+ being built, up-loading to the mirrors
+ 3.6.7 schedule - deadline:
+ next monday is nearly the last chance for 3.6 fixes
* QA update (Joel)
+ QA Contest update
+ 15+ people signed up so far ... encouraging.
+ French / translated BSA is completed
+ filed a bug through it, asking to change relevant links
+ many thanks to Rob Snelders [!]
+163 -128
thanks to top five:
ign_christian: 28
Rob Snelders: 14
Michael Meeks: 7
Eike Rathke: 7
Andras Timar: 5
+ Need_Advice bugs input appreciated
+ 5 bugs in that state
+ curiosity about %age of patches back-ported to stable
+ poked into it: around 60% of 4.1 fixes go back to 4.0 as well.
+ 13% are back-ported to 3.6
+ don't want to break stable by back-porting everythign (Bjoern)
+ thanks to TDF & Bjoern for getting tester netbooks deployed
+ three out there - 2x Windows 8 and 1 Linux.
* GSOC update (Cedric)
+ please mentor your students, mid-term evaluations
from Mon 29th July until end of that week.
* gerrit bits (Bjoern)
+ check that all devs and gerrit admins are subscribed to an OTRS queue
+ Norbert, Thorsten, Bjoern are there.
+ only ten people who are devs
AI: + dig out docs on signing up to the OTRS queue (Bjoern)
* UX input (Astron)
+ setup a UX Advice bz component and default CC the ux-advise ML
+ unless someone wants to write a script to scrape keywords
and proxy to mail.
+ idea with component => the better idea.
+ icons on master:
+ added Sifr to the default icon set
+ approved: remove crystal from the default binary build
configuration (retaining Oxygen) to keep space requirements
+ leave crystal icons in the source tree for packagers
+ Android remote discussion improvements
+ perhaps another whiteboard for iOS - somewhat different.
* Hamburg hack-fest update (Bjoern)
+ it was awesome.
+ achieved quite a few nice things:
+ great beer event at the beginning (sponsored by Lanedo)
+ hacked until 4am.
+ nice group photo (missing Florian)
AI: + write a short blog entry with photos (Eike)
* Investing in even better productivity (Michael)
+ Bought CrossOver office licenses ...
+ mail me if you could use one of this to improve
* Added git commit access for:
+ Issa - for Sifr icons (Michael)
* People who are not members, should consider that (Michael)
+ benefits: voting for and standing for election in
Board / Membership Committee
+ Certification etc. apply at:
+ election / membership deadlines coming up soon.
* gerrit build-bot awesomeness (Michael)
+ it appears to work rather well, we have hardware coming
+ can we enable it for all committers ?
+ problem originally was around getting more build H/W (Norbert)
+ with this we should be able to do ~all commits in a day
+ is there a wiki page to follow to setup buildbots ? (Thorsten)
+ need ssh / ids setup to make this work (Norbert)
AI: + get windows build-bot setup (Norbert/Thorsten/Moggi)
+ how to trigger builds ? (Norbert)
+ if you do a +2 - as a committer, but don't push it,
auto trigger a build
+ can we give out the ssh command - so committers can trigger
them explicitly ? (Bjoern)
+ currently ssh command makes you root (Norbert)
+ prefer to have a criteria to auto-schedule
manual +2 without commit, just a safety precaution
to avoid destruction.
+ DavidO has it already done in the plugin (Bjoern)
+ block on getting Win32 tinderbox
* Bulk change of header include style (Michael)
+ thoughts on this:
+ defer until 4.1.2 or so - when cherry-picking reduces
+ concern that angle brackets only for system headers (Stephan)
+ discussed this in the past, MS compiler does insane things
with path lookups if you use quotes (Bjoern)
+ what ? (Stephan)
+ walks entire include path backwards (Bjoern)
+ libxml - is that a local or a system include ? (Norbert)
+ in the code we can't know that, notion is a bit fuzzy
+ no need to violate the std for no reason (Stephan)
+ performance might be a good idea.
+ potential compromise: have "" for files in the same
directory as the cxx (Michael)
+ indifferent to cleaning it up (Stephan)
+ discuss it on the list
* Certification Program (Stephan/Kendy/Bjoern)
* Open 4.2 MAB
+ 0/0
* Open 4.1 MAB
+ 4 (of 39) older 5/37 7/32 3/26 3/23 4/17 3/16 3/16 3/14 2/13 2/11
* Open 4.0 MAB
+ 12 (of 132) older 16/132 14/130 16/129 16/128 18/129 17/126
18/125 24/122
9% 12% 11% 13% 14% 13% 14%
20% 19%
* 3.6 most annoying bugs ...
+ 63 (of 237) older 65/236 68/235 67/232 69/231 71/229 72/228
75/226 75/225
27% 28% 29% 30% 31% 32% 33%
33% 34%
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibsected'
+ 37 (of 114) older 39/114 41/112 36/105 35/100 36/100 30/90
28/88 26/85
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
+ 299(+4) bugs open of 1641(+18) total
* ~Component count net *
Writer - 100 (+0)
Presentation - 29 (+0)
Crashes - 26 (+1)
Spreadsheet - 24 (+4)
Libreoffice - 24 (-2)
Database - 23 (+0)
Drawing - 21 (+2)
Borders - 14 (+0)
Migration - 3 (+0)
BASIC - 2 (+0)
+ Migration:
-- <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot
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- [fr-qa] Fwd: [Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ... · Sophie Gautier
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