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Pour faire suite à mon premier message, voici ce qui a été voté hier sur
la liste board-discuss:
      The Board RESOLVES to start creation of The Document Collective
(TDC) by taking the following acts:
      - Broadly, to implement the concepts in the Board's Document
"TheDocument Collective" version 0.4
      - Appoint a transitional leadership Group comprising Nicolas
Christener, Eike Rathke, Michael Meeks, Thorsten Behrens, Uwe Altmann
      - Direct the Group to sign an agreement with Public Software CIC
hosting TDC as an unincorporated association
      - Allocate a line of credit of €50000 to be requested
incrementally as needed by Public Software CIC for TDC when the Group so
        to be returned once a surplus is available and at the Group's
discretion concerning timing and portioning, with the addition of 3%
annual interest.
      - Grant Public Software CIC a trademark license for "LibreOffice"
when used in the context of an online application software store
      - Direct the Group to initiate availability of LibreOffice for Mac
OS and Windows through the appropriate app stores for an appropriate fee
      - Request the Group to take over making available Impress Remote
and LibreOffice Viewer if each or either proves appropriate for TDC
      - Direct the Group to commission a mechanism to spend TDC's income
surplus in the manner agreed by the Board's Document
      - Direct the Group to plan for the transfer of all TDC activities
and liabilities to an independent legal entity as soon as practical,
        with governance implementing the concepts in the Board's Document.

À bientôt
Le 27/09/2019 à 12:30, sophi a écrit :
Bonjour à tous,

Je sais que peu s'intéressent ici à ce qui se passe dans TDF, mais le
board a pris une décision importante pour son futur, qui est en cours de
discussion sur la liste ici :
en une ligne, il s'agit de la création d'une entité commerciale nommée
The Document Collective.
Le document de référence est ici :

Les discussions ont lieu sur la liste board-discuss.
À bientôt

Sophie Gautier
GSM: +33683901545
IRC: sophi
Foundation coordinator
The Document Foundation

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