Le 05/06/2013 11:05, eric.ficheux a écrit :
I'm currently working on a LibreOffice deployment for 5K users and I want to
give the users access to corporate document templates + a few custom tweaks
like keyboard shortcuts, macro security level and so on.
The only way we found to do it is through the registrymodifications.xcu file
in the user profile.
It is a 2 step process:
1: LibreOffice is downloaded and installed to the computers (with admin
2: After reboot, the user profile is removed and the
registrymodifications.xcu file is put in place before LibreOffice is started
(we do this after a reboot so the current user profile is updated, we can't
do it at step 1 because it runs under admin profile and we can't easily find
the current user profile)
The process isn't very elegant, it looks more like a hack than industrial
L'ActiveSetup permet de faire ça pour tous les utilisateurs, existants
ou à venir. C'est ce que j'utilise (entre autres pour pré-configurer
LibO) et ça marche nickel.
Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux
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