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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Charles-H. Schulz <>
Date: Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Marketing Strategy Call in one hour


And now the minutes below...

Le jeudi 13 décembre 2012 à 17:00 +0100, Charles-H. Schulz a écrit :

This is a reminder that our marketing conference call will start in
about one hour.
In order to access the call, you will need two things: the phone number
you have to dial in (local numbers are available) :

and the room number (dial # after the number):
53 71 38 .

- Marketing strategy set up and action items
- 4.0 launch preparations

Participants: Charles-H. Schulz, Drew Jensen, Italo Vignoli, Fridolin.

* Marketing Strategy set up and action items
- quick recap of the Berlin marketing strategy workshop
- basic idea is to turn the marketing team into an information broker
inside the community and outside it.
- action item: draft a monthly newsletter of the activity in every
corner of the LibreOffce project, connect with people: Fridolin
volunteers to lead this, needs some help.
- action item: social networks (Facebook page + G+ community) are
turning into massive influx of fans, users that need to be turned into
contributors (at least some of them) Charles needs to report on Facebook
ad and activity.

- we need a team who helps put a nice online page (on the website) about
the ten most proeminent features for each major release . Some are doing
this but the marketing team does not help -needs to take the active lead

* 4.0 launch preparations:
- Italo explains the general philosophy of the 4.0 launch: the rebasing,
the major release with major changes, code cleanups, etc.
- need to run a set of developers' interviews on this technological
changes. We need volunteers to help drive these interviews.

Anything I've forget? Please let me know.


Charles-H. Schulz
Co-Founder & Director, The Document Foundation,
Zimmerstr. 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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