Je forward ici le mail de André qui vous invite à répondre à la
question : Qui est membre de The Document Foundation ? Nous (le SC)
avons posé des idées sur le wiki et souhaitons les discuter avec vous
avant de prendre une décision.
À bientôt
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: André Schnabel <>
Date: 2010/10/18
Subject: [tdf-discuss] [SC] How to define "Membership" within TDF?
as you all know, we are working to make The Document Foundation an
independent self-governing meritocratic Foundation. This Foundation
should be lead by it's members, based on their merit.
One of the very basic questions to answer is:
"Who is a member at TDF."
Well - we (the Steering Committee) do not have a detailed answer on
this, as we think that the voice of our contributors should be
respected for this very important topic. So we want to discuss this
here, before we come to a decision.
To get things started, I put some notes at the wiki:
These are initial thoughts, but I hope, you get the idea, what we are
heading for. Please read and send comments to the mailinglist
( For the first days I would not
suggest to go deeply into details - we should get the general picture
first (e.g. the very basic principles).
For discussion please use this mailinglist and try to keep the thread
alive. If a new thread is started, please add at least the tag [SC]
and the word "Membership" in the subject.
I'm looking forward to a constructive discussion,
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- [fr-discuss] Fwd: [tdf-discuss] [SC] How to define "Membership" within TDF? · Sophie Gautier
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