On Friday 31 May 2013, Leif Forsblom wrote:
The Finnish language pack is called Voikko. Go to http://fi.libreoffice.org/ohjeet/kielityokalut/ and at "Lataa tavutus- ja oikolukulisäosa suomen kielelle: Windows <http://www.puimula.org/htp/ooo/libreoffice-voikko.html> | Mac OS X <http://www.puimula.org/htp/ooo/voikko-mac.html>" near the top of the page you can choose tour OS and then download the language pack.
Additionally you can find the extension from the official LibreOffice extension repository: http://extensions.libreoffice.org/extension-center/finnish-spell-checker-and-hyphenator-voikko There the same information is available in English. We should somehow promote this more but I'm unsure how to do that without confusing our Finnish speaking visitors. Harri -- Ohjeet listalta poistumiseksi: E-mail discuss+unsubscribe@fi.libreoffice.org Ohjeita viestien laadintaan: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Netiquette Listan arkisto: http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/fi/discuss/ Listalle lähetetyt viestit arkistoidaan julkisesti, eikä niitä voi poistaa