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Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm writing you in order to ask for some help in my document. I'm working
under Ubuntu 12.04, and my LibreOffice version is 4.2. I'm working in a
very scientific document with lots of footnotes, and in some pages there is
one line or maybe no line of text, but a lot of footnotes. I would like to
have the footnotes along the text, not at the end, but when there is a page
only with footnotes (without text lines) the name of the chapter I inserted
in the header is changed to "Introduction", instead of the correct one. I
have configured the headers as left-page, right-page models. In addition to
this, I have at least one page in the middle in which there is nothing of
text, and only 3 words left of the previous footnote, but the page looks
ugly, because it's completely in blank before going on in the next page. So
to explain it clearer, I attach you a pdf with some of the pages, so to be
able to watch the problem.
Could you please tell me what did I do wrongly, or how to solve it?

Thank you very much in advance, best wishes,


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