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Jupp. Ist für mich ok. Ich würde dann entsprechend einen kommentar ergänzen und bestätigen.



Am 27.01.2021 um 17:58 schrieb Hans-Werner Herold:
Hallo Thomas,

ich hab' mal was formuliert (s.u.). Wenn das für Dich okay ist, würde ich es so im BUG-Report einbringen. Verbesserungsvorschläge sind natürlich willkommen.

Viele Grüße
Hans-Werner :-))

Bug 139539 - Makro Basic - CALC - makro mode "hidden" - method store() unfixes fixed rows


After some helpful discussion ( some more detailed description of the bug:

Test 1 - macro NOT "hidden mode"

1.1 Check attached "CALC.ods": First row should be fixed.
1.2 Unzip "CALC.ods".
1.3 "settings.xml" should contain entry:
config:config-item-map-indexed config:name="Views">
<config:config-item config:name="VerticalSplitMode" config:type="short">2</config:config-item>
1.4 Zip unzipped "CALC.ods".
1.5 Run attached macro "TestFixedRows.bas" NOT using "hidden mode" (aCALCpropv(0).Value = False).
1.6 Result: Fixed row and above mentioned entry are STILL EXISTING.

Test 2 - macro "hidden mode"

2.1 Check attached "CALC.ods": First row should be fixed.
2.2 Run attached macro "TestFixedRows.bas" using "hidden mode" (aCALCpropv(0).Value = True).
3.3 Result. Fixed row and above mentioned entry are NOT EXISTING ANYMORE.

Test 3 - macro "hidden mode" and "oCALC.Store()" commented

3.1 Check attached "CALC.ods": First row should be fixed.
3.2 Comment macro code line "oCALC.Store()".
3.3 Run attached macro "TestFixedRows.bas" using "hidden mode" (aCALCpropv(0).Value = True).
3.4 Result: Fixed row and above mentioned entry are STILL EXISTING.


It seems to be, that "oCALC.Store()" deletes above mentioned entry (unfixes fixed line) when running macro in "hidden mode".

M.I.C. Consulting
Riederbergstr. 92
65195 Wiesbaden
Tel. 0611 - 188 53 39
Fax: 0611 - 188 53 40

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