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Hier noch die Infos zur TelKo, wie versprochen - ich würde mich freuen, möglichst viele von euch dort begrüßen zu dürfen :-)
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: CHANGE Marketing/General Release Call
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2015 14:56:45 +0200
From: Italo Vignoli <>

The Marketing/General Release Call is planned for Wednesday, July 15, at
1:30PM UTC (3:30PM CEST). Unfortunately, it looks like the schedule was
not fitting many people's schedules, and therefore we have had to choose
a time which is probably bad for many.

After the call we will circulate the minutes, and I will be available on
IRC (#libreoffice on during the following weekend.

The announcement of LibreOffice 5.0 is planned for Tuesday, August 4, at

A basic messaging document will be available later today, while the
first draft of the press release will be available during the week of
July 20.

We have switched from the private to the public conference room.

Here are the dial-in details for the conference call:

Brazil +55 11 39 57 39 03
Denmark +45 78 77 50 69
France +3 31 70 74 30 70
Germany +49 30 34044134
Italy +39 02 87 21 20 00
Italy +39 06 88 81 20 00
Netherlands +3 12 52 74 40 06
USA +1 64 67 41 33 10
USA +1 32 33 75 07 61

The private room number is 53 71 38
No participant PIN is requested

Dial in details for other countries:
Argentina +54 11 53 52 78 02
Austria +43 13 11 02 01
Australia +6 12 91 91 26 02
Belgium +32 38 08 25 10
Bulgaria +3 59 24 91 60 96
Bahrain +9 73 16 19 88 00
Switzerland +4 14 45 75 18 71
Chile +56 29 38 18 34
Cyprus +3 57 22 03 03 64
Czech Republic +42 02 28 88 07 95
Estonia +37 26 68 13 64
Spain +3 49 11 82 27 33
Finland +35 89 42 45 00 19
United Kingdom +44 33 32 02 00 22
United Kingdom +44 17 77 29 56 08
Georgia +9 95 32 47 38 61
Greece +30 21 11 98 01 09
Hong Kong +8 52 58 08 05 68
Croatia +3 85 17 77 62 62
Hungary +36 18 08 84 82
Ireland +3 53 14 84 81 62
Israel +9 72 37 21 94 26
Japan +8 13 45 20 93 34
Lithuania +3 70 52 14 03 30
Luxembourg +3 52 20 88 14 01
Latvia +3 71 66 16 30 68
Malta +3 56 27 78 07 32
Mexico +52 55 47 70 73 46
Norway +47 21 04 92 14
New Zealand +64 99 25 04 03
Panama +50 78 36 54 80
Peru +51 17 08 56 17
Poland +4 82 23 07 07 04
Puerto Rico +1 78 73 95 79 13
Portugal +35 13 08 80 06 24
Romania +4 03 16 30 03 43
Sweden +4 68 40 30 96 98
Slovenia +3 86 16 00 14 01
Slovakia +42 12 33 45 66 16
El Salvador +5 03 21 13 17 55
Turkey +90 21 29 00 11 20
Turkey +90 31 29 00 11 20
Vietnam +8 44 73 05 42 09
South Africa +2 72 13 00 27 30
Canada +1 64 76 94 39 04

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