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die Fragerunde auf der englischen discuss-Liste zur Konferenz ist jetzt eröffnet. ;-)
Ich selbst werde mich weitestgehend raushalten und nur moderieren - als 
derjenige, der die Abstimmung koordiniert, sollte ich einen neutralen 
Hut tragen.
Viele Grüße

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [tdf-discuss] LibOCon proposals
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2012 00:04:13 +0000
From: Bruno Girin <>

On 28/01/12 21:49, Florian Effenberger wrote:

as you might have spotted, today we issued the proposals for this
years' LibreOffice Conference. Berlin and Zaragoza (in alphabetical
order) have sent in their applications and are therefore candidates
for this years' location.

All details can be found at

I'd like to officially open the discussion here. Anyone interested can
ask the organizers questions, and organizers are free to sent in
additional details.
Hi all,

My first reaction reading both proposals is: wow! There are only two of
them but they are both of very high quality so congrats to both teams!
Wherever LibOCon goes for 2012, the other one will be a very worthy
candidate for 2013.

At first glance, Berlin felt like a shoe-in: that's the home of The
Document Foundation and I love Berlin. But then when reading the
Zaragoza proposal, I started to change my mind: this is a very well
thought out proposal and you can tell that they are used to organise
events like this. So without further ado, here are my questions for the
two teams:

Questions for Berlin:

 * When will you have final confirmation of the main venue?
 * Will you have agreements with nearby restaurants for lunch and/or
   dinner so that attendees can have a quick reasonably priced meal?
 * Will you have any catering on site (coffee, coffee and maybe coffee)?
 * Does the venue have enough power sockets to enable attendees to
   recharge between events (lots of laptops => lots of flat batteries)?
 * I like the Zaragoza idea of open public lectures: is it something
   you would consider?

Questions for Zaragoza:

 * Will you post a recording of how to say the name of your town so
   that all non-Spaniards can practice it before going?
 * Same as above: Does the venue have enough power sockets to enable
   attendees to recharge between events (lots of laptops => lots of
   flat batteries)?



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Florian Effenberger <>
Chairman of the Board at The Document Foundation
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