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Hallo *,

mache ich - im Verlauf des Abends.



Am 28.10.2011 19:50, schrieb Florian Effenberger:

hat jemand Zeit und Lust, untenstehende PM zu übersetzen, damit wir sie
auch unseren deutschen Nutzern zugänglich machen können?

Viele Grüße und danke,

LibreOffice Extensions and Templates Repository is online

Are you looking for ways to enhance your free office suite? Do you need
some nice templates? The Document Foundation is proud to announce that
today, the LibreOffice Extensions and Templates repository has been put
online at

This new website is one of the many community efforts at the LibreOffice
project. Led by Andreas Mantke, a team of international community
volunteers has worked hard during the past weeks to make this new
repository possible, to the benefit of millions of LibreOffice and free
office users worldwide.

We welcome everyone to try out the growing number of available
extensions, and we invite developers to upload their own templates and
plugins, to make them available to users worldwide.

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