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Hej alle,
The Document Foundation har hvert år midler til markedsføringsprojekter, og
vi kan komme med input hvis vi har ideer.

Selv har jeg ikke aktuelle planer, men hvis nogen her på listen har lyst,
så byd endelig ind.

I kan evt. vende ideer her på listen først.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Italo Vignoli <>
Date: tor. 13. dec. 2018 kl. 13.15
Subject: [libo-marketing-priv] Marketing/Community Budgets for 2019
To: LO Marketing Private <>

In order to improve the management of the marketing/community budget for
2019, we ask native language communities to provide the following:

1. A list of objectives you would like to pursue in 2019. Please avoid
wishful thinking, and stick to realistic objectives. A few examples:
organize a meeting with public administrations to educate them about
LibreOffice and ODF; organize a local LibreOffice Conference; reimburse
volunteers travelling around the country to present LibreOffice and ODF
at local events.

2. For each objective, provide a rationale and a sensible amount of
money. Again, we are spending donations money, and we must be extremely
cautious both with requests and with approvals. Requests missing a
rationale or easy to understand details will not be approved.

3. For requests equal or exceeding 1,000 euro, you must provide the
outline of a project, because a large amount of money is probably
covering different expenses (people, suppliers, events) and budget
approvers should be allowed to have a clear picture of what they approve.

Examples of activities which TDF will provide a budget for:

1. community events (aimed at getting face-time for community contributors)

2. marketing activities (aimed at representing the project to the
outside world)

3. targeted projects (for instance, promoting LibreOffice in schools)

In addition, we ask you to provide a list, if any, of infrastructure
related requests, such as - for example - additional computing power or
new services for your native language community.

The idea is to keep the administrative overhead as low as possible, and
have two authorizers responsible for each budget.

TDF BoD will provide a budget bucket for marketing and one for
community. Budget requests will be associated to the relevant budget,
and then approved by budget approvers (according to the availability of

As a sample, a request could look like this:


We'd like to request a 2017 budget of 1000 € for community events and
1500 € for marketing.

Expenses we envision are

1. marketing: attendance at XYZ trade show to show LibreOffice to ABC
user group (700 € booth costs, 300 € for collaterals and 500 € of
travel, totalling to 1500 €),

2. community: a community weekend to discuss tasks and ideas (600 €
hotel, 100 € for snacks and 300 € travel, totalling to 1000 €).


Before sending any budget request, please read carefully TDF policies:

Community Refunding:

Deadline for submissions is January 20, 2019, in order to have amounts
approved during FOSDEM meetings.

Submission should be sent to, with a
copy to

Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - skype italovignoli
The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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