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Dette er den første af en række tests. Senere vil der komme flere tests, hvor du bliver spurgt om, hvilket 8af flere) symboler du mener bedst udtrykker en given kommando.


On 02-10-2012 10:36, Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejer wrote:
Det intuitive er så den ene del af det - det andet er, at jeg genkender ikonerne, fordi jeg kender systemet, men langtfra alle er til at se i dagligt brug, endsige at gennemskue - og visse af dem ser ud til at høre hjemme i sidste århundrede. Jeg kan kun formode, at det ligger i horisonten at udskifte ikonsættet? Lidt mere ensartethed kunne være en tiltalende ændring.

Alt godt,

On 01-10-2012 22:08, Leif Lodahl wrote:
Vær med til at bestemme nyt design for LibreOffice. I første omgang skal du
"gætte" hvad ikonerne betyder:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Björn Balazs <>
Date: 2012/10/1
Subject: [libreoffice-l10n] Participate and spread the word: 1st
LibreOffice IconTest started

Hi all,

we just started the first of a series of icon tests for
LibreOffice. Please take 4 minutes and participate at

or shortend:

If you liked the icon test, please spread the word - e.g.
via Facebook, Twitter, email or just ring at your
neighbors door... We want to have as many people
participating as possible to get great and reliable
results from the test.

Thanks to the awesome LibreOffice translating community
this test is available in English, German, French,
Italian, Polish, Hebrew. Hopefully we can get even more
languages in the next tests! Contact me if you want to
contribute your language to the next test!

This test will most likely be closed on Thursday!

Thanks for participating in the name of the LibreOffice
UX team,


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