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My calendar tells me that it's 1 month and 2 days until LibrePlanet,
so I have 3 questions for us all:

1) Who will be there?

- I'll be there
- Italo sounded like a no?
- Perhaps a contingent from the frosty North?

2) What shall we do at the conference?

Having a number of us in attendance, all wearing LibreOffice apparel,
would be really slick in and of itself.

Other ideas:
- Lightning talks
- Passing out some swag
- Anything else interesting/fun for us and for the attendees of LP2014

Conferences are a great time to recruit new volunteers. LibrePlanet is
always filled with free software enthusiasts, plus a few students that
got lost in whichever University is hosting the event (or were brought
along by their friends). Recruiting those students and having them
start out their free software experiences in LibreOffice would be
great for us and for them.

3) Would people like to meet up outside the conference?

If there's interest, I'd be happy to organize a brief excursion out to
grab a bite to eat or a drink together. Building our NA community is
one of my top priorities this year, and nothing builds communities
like sitting around the table together :-)


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