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OK - so yesterday I managed to get all of the files we had in the
add-on-extensions moved up to the CMS server.

Also managed to get 'some' of the additional artwork files.

Doing this I had to make a decision and well, I just went ahead and made
it - though it could be changed.

The directory structure on the CMS is actually a good bit different from
the one that ended up on the NA-DVD and I decided, in order to make our
efforts more accessible to the wider project, to use the CMS current

What that means:

We had all our extensions stored in a single directory.
The CMS system has each extension stored in a separate sub-direcoties
under a common root. I followed this patter.

For Artwork we had all of our .oxt packaged (Gallery clipart) files in a
single directory. We also have all the thumbnails for these files stored
in a single, and different, directory (pics). The CMS again uses
separate sub-directories, under a common root, for artwork gallery
files. It also includes the thumbnail graphic associated with the .oxt
in this separate directory (and any other ancillary file associted with
the package). I also followed suit on this.

So - for today, will finish moving artwork gallery files, then other
artwork and then move onto moving templates.

Finally, I found a few (only a few) files in the NA-DVD directories that
are not listed in our UI - something that I thought we had gotten rid
of. I did not move these files. 



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