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On 10/25/2010 12:32 AM, Marc Paré wrote:

2) Asian market

I'd suggest elevating China and India to the status of "Independent
Continental Markets".

IOW, two reps for India, two reps for China, and two reps for the rest
of Asia.

There are some language issues with India.  It has more official
languages than any other country in the world.  (IIRC, it also has more
semi-official languages than any other country in the world.)

6) Africa (this could really be challenging, but we should try to make
 inroads here and have to deal with language issues)

There are pockets where OOo gained some ground.   It was the first
office suite that had a UI in all of the official languages of South Africa.

Three things that I see as major issues are:
* The OS in not available with a UI in the target language;
* Not all of the UI was translated into the target languages. (Help
files are routinely left untranslated.)
* Documentation is not available in the target languages;

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