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 Le 2010-10-18 08:18, James Walker a écrit :

Just want to introduce myself to all those on the list

My name is James Walker, I have been involved with the Community for 8+
years in some capacity.  Currently serving as a MarCon for the Central part
of the US. I currently reside in Terre Haute, IN

My real job is not in marketing.  I am a CAD guy by trade, having done
everything from Structural Steel Detailing, to grandstands, handrail, and
now I design machinery for a small company in Indiana that does some rather
impressive machines.  I have also worked in Customer Service, as well as
served in the Military for a few years.

I am looking forward to working with all of you.

Please introduce yourselves so the rest of you us can get to know you a
little better.

James Walker

Hi everyone:

My name is Marc Paré, I will be at the helm of the Canadian Marketing Team until we can organize and formalize our group a little more. I currently reside in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

I have been using LibO since the very first days of StarOffice. I have only been involved with the Community as a lurker on the forums. I am usually involved in software communities such as HotPotatoes, Linux (Mandriva/Mageia), Wine (for HotPotatoes) and Zikula (CMS). I am also on the Mageia marketing team and enjoying it quite a bit.

I am an elementary school teacher and teach FSL (French Second Language) in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. I also participate in numerous committees of which Software Acquisition Committee, FSL committees, as well as run Lego Robotics Clubs, Computer Graphics Club (Gimp), Computer Reconstruction Club, Logo programming (French/English) -- although I had to curtail this last due to the lack of computer resources at my school. I participate at many school musical events as the music coordinator for our school. I am also a 14th-19th century keyboard repairman and also maintain a roster of approx. 50 domain names along with some website construction/maintenance duties, I publish an an online magazine: and am re-organizing another project-site of mine: (heavy rebuilding at the moment due to hackers). I usually only sleep 4hours/day and view little TV which explains my seemingly busy schedule.

I have passed the point of mid-life crisis and have not as yet bought my red corvette or my Harley. I am presently off work due to a crushed spine injury and have had 2 spinal interventions (surgery) and have had to re-learn how to walk twice in the last 7 months. Things are coming along very well.

I am quite happy to work on the LibO project and have always wanted to participate in a more meaningful way. My main interests are in the marketing of LibO in Canada as well as the marketing of LibO as a solid product in the educational field at all levels (Kindergartern-High School; Academia) and on the international stage.

I look forward to working with all of you.

Marc Paré
Waterloo ON, Canada
Canadian Marketing Team Member

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