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Sim, está no nível médio.

Em 26/05/2011 07:43, rogerio dandrea escreveu:
Já verificou a segurançade macro?
ferramentas>opções>segurança>segurança de macro

2011/5/26 Marcio<>

Bom dia,

Após atualizar o BrOffice da versão 3.2 para a versão 3.3 as macros pararam
de funcionar.

Segue tela do erro:

Segue a macro:

REM  *****  BASIC  *****

sub VW
dim resultfound as new '(divergence,result
dim formula_address as new  '(sheet,column,
Row structure)
dim variable_address as new
dim targetresult as string  'goal value sought as STRING
Dim oDoc as object
Dim oSheet as object
dim cell as object
Dim oCell1 as object

oSheet = oDoc.Sheets.getByName("Planilha1")
'set location of formula to be evaluated to give goal value
formula_address.sheet = 0  'index values - zero based
formula_address.Column = 15
formula_address.Row = 67
' set location of variable to be changed
variable_address.sheet = 0
variable_address.Column = 15
variable_address.Row = 62
' set goal value
oCell1 = oSheet.getCellByPosition(19,62)
targetresult = oCell1.Value

' run goalseek
resultfound = oDoc.seekgoal(formula_address,variable_address,targetresult)
' do something with result
'msgbox resultfound.result
cell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(15,62)
cell.Value = resultfound.result

'Data 1
formula_address.sheet = 0  'index values - zero based
formula_address.Column = 12
formula_address.Row = 67
' set location of variable to be changed
variable_address.sheet = 0
variable_address.Column = 12
variable_address.Row = 62
' set goal value
oCell1 = oSheet.getCellByPosition(19,61)
targetresult = oCell1.Value

' run goalseek
resultfound = oDoc.seekgoal(formula_address,variable_address,targetresult)
' do something with result
'msgbox resultfound.result
cell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(12,62)
cell.Value = resultfound.result

end sub

O que fazer para resolver este problema.

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