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On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 2:02 AM, Bernhard Dippold
<> wrote:
Hi Narayan,

Narayan Aras schrieb:

Hi Nino!

What you are suggesting is equivalent to an internal review amongst
the team-members.

It's just a proposal for an updated agenda that allows to start working for
the final release before the long-term vision has been established.

And as you already stated, the agenda seems not to be realistic for a single

So we - the website team - need to find a solution. And I think Nino's
proposal is a good one. Of course we need an internal review - internal by
the website team. If you prefer an alternative approach, please provide your

Our aim is to establish the long-term vision, and then derive the
short/mid term action-plan to achieve that goal.

Please define who is "we"?

I can only describe what I personally think: At this very moment the main
task for the website team should be the present website being ready for our

Reading Michaels comment he seems to support this approach, David has done a
tremendous work on this goal. Christian, Ivan and Christoph spent their time
and effort on this task too.

So I think the general approach at the moment seems to support more what
Nino wrote.

The long-term plans have to be discussed in detail - no question.

But this is not the task I (can't speak for the entire team, but what I read
here seems to support my opinion) want to work on *now*.

So the idea of prioritizing the agenda items is reasonable IMHO.

Let's start working - we have discussed way too long without working on the
short-term tasks.

Discussion can and should go on - but let's have the work in the most
important position.

The website team will be evaluated by the *work* it manages to handle.

It's our chance to show the community that we are not a group of individuals
spending our time on discussions, while the work is not done or left over to
just a handful. We want to be a team - let's show the community that we are

Best regards


One thing we need to keep in mind, is that we have quite a few
under-utilised resources who have been working on the Drupal project
due to the misunderstanding that the Silverstripe site already had

I fully support prioritizing the agenda in order to draw focus on the
topics which need attention now, however the other agenda items
will/should be a simple discussion as to whether we should be
exploring the options in the medium term and who should report back on
the items. As it is the first conference call, structuring,
prioritizing and volunteering is going to be the outcome.

In order for everyone to get on board with the team we must have a
clear picture about where we are going and who is able to help with
the required tasks.

Without defining where we wish to end up, I believe we risk continuing
to proceed with development without community coordination and
collaboration as we have seen over the past few months on

It -will- be a short conversation which will clear up many of the
concerns about immediate and longer term goals.

Have confidence.


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