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Hi everyone,

As I stated before, I want to configure a Drupal prototype with Localization
server module for Drupal, that is the one that empowers, as a possible LibreOffice translation tool
totally integrated with the Drupal website (user base, login, roles, etc).

I'm still a little occupied working on a graphic design proposal for the
website with the other members of the Drupal development team (will be ready
soon!), but when over I really want to get into this. I was a little lost
some week ago trying to figure out how to translate LibO, I thought I needed
to hook the /build/po/<lang>.po with the translation UI. But, finally, with
the today announce of LibO 3.3 beta 3 I found out this documentation:

Now, I do have a more general idea. So, the purpose of this e-mail is to
know if there is someone on this mailing list that know If I'm on the right


1. As stated on the previous documentation link, there is a Git hook that
merges the lo-build.pot (if that file has changed) with all the .po files on
each commit. I'm right?

So, what we need to do is:

1. Copy all the current lo-build-<lang>.po from the repository to a folder
where webserver has write access (for example
2. Hook the Drupal UI to those .po files.
3. Configure a cron job that do a checkout of the git repository, merges all
the repository lo-build-<lang>.po files (which has the added strings after
each commit thanks to the git hook) with those translated during that day by
the community (again, in, for example, /var/www/community-translations/) and
then do a commit of the resultant lo-build-<lang>.po with a commit message
like "Synchronization with the translated strings from the Localization

Opinions, corrections, threats (jejeje)?

Kind regards


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