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On Thu, 2010-10-21 at 01:19 +0200, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

 However, the (SC's or whoever rules here) 

? another good question 

It seems to me the first question of what the voting membership of the
TDF, as currently envisioned on the wiki Membership page would be voting

Is this the type of decision that this group would do so on?

Or is this a decision that would fall to the SC or perhaps a designated
team to make a decision on?

Seems like that is the first question, if it is the type of question
that the membership would vote on then we need to ask a couple of other
questions, or rather make a couple of decisions quickly.

Reading the discussions on the membership question it seems like most of
us are either pretty close to agreement on the parts that
would we form a, temporary even, rooster for this decision?

My opinion is not fully formed, so others thoughts there most welcome,
on both the general question of what types of things the "prescribed"
group votes on and if this is one of those types.



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