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1. guilhem
2. Brett

 * Salt refactoring
   + Testing Suite
     - Possible solution to Gitlab+Docker security concerns:
       + Guilhem: that's an improvement over the current situation, but I want to investigate
         PID+network+mount namespaces
     - Testing salt states with Docker can be difficult due to lack of init system/service manager.
     - Would something like systemd-nspawn or qemu/kvm be better to test with?
       + systemd-nspawn sets /proc read-only, so certain items might not be testable?
       + AI guilhem: better isolation with a VM, but unsure how to communicate with the the 2
   + Deduplication is mostly done. G: awesome!
     - Brett is trying to verify that he hasn't totally broken everything in the process
     - Are there a fair number of salt states that were broken to begin with?
       + eg editor.nano (removed)
       + missing dummy pillar data
   + Brett has been creating issues on gitlab's issue tracker: Should it be on redmine instead?
     + G: fine to keep it in GitLab as it's salt-specific and makes merging etc. easier
   + ufw vs shorewall: Which is supported?
     - ufw is installed on, all other jessie hosts are using shorewall
   + ntp: Deprecate in favor of systemd-timedated since it's installed by default?
     - G: reluctant to do the switch before systemd-timedated.service is enabled by default
   + There is a Postfix in base/mail and tdf/postfix that are very different.
     - base/mail is more of a simple, generic mail server while tdf/postfix is used for more
       advanced setups.
     - Merge both of these setups into postfix/ when we move to the new smarthost setup.
     - Leave both configurations as-is for now.
 * Pending: Revive AOO-svn script
 * Migrations
   + gimli migrated to our infra (vm201)
 * Pending: Mail setup refactoring
   + +
 * DMARC rejects (eg
   + Rewrite From: headers for these domains? Maybe set Reply-To to the original From: value?
 * Next meeting: September 19 at 16:30 UTC


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