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Hi Norbert,

Norbert Thiebaud wrote on 2013-05-27 17:01:

yes it is very possible... in fact not very hard at all.


Although 'multiple' value for a field would be more problematic.

I think it fits if we have something like:

libomail: string (denotes, or empty (denotes no LibreOffice mail account exists)

liboxmpp: string (denotes, or empty (denotes no LibreOffice Jabber account exists)

libosip: string (denotes, or empty (denotes no LibreOffice XMPP account exists)

Default should be empty, as not everyone has all of these accounts. String may be different amongst the various services, as some people may have a different address for XMPP than for mail (at least possible in theory, not sure if we want to allow that).

The only thing is that we should deploy it at a time where there is
not gerrit patch pending review for mcm-datase to avoid merge
conflict... but other than that no problem at all.

Fantastic! I am waiting for the legal document still, so there's a bit of time, I expect to start sometime in June.

One way would be to have a MCM_MEDIA= field with the content being in
the form "tag=value;[tag=value;]"
where tag := lo-email|jabber|sip|...
that way we can have multiple entry per.

Sounds good as well - whatever fits best, there's not necessarily a need for multiple entries, that's just nice to have.

PS: so one would 'loose' access to his upon loosing
membership status ? no forwarding ?

TDF will at least keep the right to do so. It's not said we will do, but at least in the long run, only people involved in LibO should have such an address, because they somewhat represent the community. :-)

PS2: btw I'd like to request that emails tb<nnn> be
'reserved' (that would be used for tinderbox/gerrti buildbot)

Ok, should work. Maybe you can add a blacklist into mcm, so one stumbles across that?


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