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Hi Florian and Robinson,

Apologies for not notifying the list, I thought the problem would be
resolved by now.  I am fscking the main storage array.  It is 12TB so it
takes a while.  We should be back later today (hopefully).

Christian Mesh

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 4:11 AM, Florian Effenberger <> wrote:


Robinson Tryon wrote on 2013-05-13 22:03:

Looks like is having technical problems. I've seen
at least one confused user on the Ask site wondering why they're
getting an error message when they try to download 4.0.3 for Windows.

(I can repro the problem on my machine)

Is there an easy way for us to take a mirror out of the pool
temporarily?  Ideally there'd be some kind of a reporting tool ("This
link is broken!") or system for testing and mirrors (e.g. download a
1K file every hour; remove the mirror if the file doesn't download

we do some sanity checks, but given the number of files and mirrors, it's
impossible to scan everything at once - so from time to time, a mirror
slips through. ;-)

I have now temporarily disabled the mirror and bcc'ed the admin on this
mail. Can you let me know which file has the problem, so they can


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