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Hi Eliane,

On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Eliane Domingos de Sousa
<> wrote:

Well, I wrote in another e-mail to forget my request.

Yes, that request is "forgotten".

In fact, I would like a website more dinamic and it's true I have no
knowledge about this tool.

So what is more dynamic?

I have no technical knowledge to say why silverstrip is so slow to save my

OK, that is easy - as what slows down saving is creating the diff for
the workflow, I could just disable that, and saving will be faster.

I would like to have the twitter messages in the site like our blog, see: - sometime I asked about it and the answer
was, we can't show the brazilian messages. Our addres is

OK, that is something concrete. And I'm sure the answer was more
nuanced like: If you want it now, then provide a patch. At that time
all kinds of work had to be done, so that wish did drop from the

I would like to see fixed information. Example: , I can see all the time a fixed column, see
the right column

You mean the facebook,twitter and google-tabs? Surely you can have
that. It is an ugly iframe, but that doesn't matter. Point is: I never
heard about this and nobody bothered to provide the html you want to
have added to the page(s).
As mentioned: You can have a customized theme.

I would like to use in brazilian site, slide show, is it possible?

I guess you don't mean the photoshuffler, as that is already enabled...

Maybe you mean colorbox, that also would be available (but nobody uses).
Or what slideshow do you mean? I mean in every other website
management system you install additional stuff to do what you want it.
So if you have a favorite slideshow module (jquery based or just plain
html) - tell me and I can add it to the site.

I would like to see our followers in social networks, we have google plus,
facebook, twitter and video (youtube) See example here: , in this site you can see the video from
youtube and google plus followers.

And all that is possible with silverstripe as well - after all
silverstripe just does what one tells it to do.

Well, that's it, I'll be honest with you, I don't have enough knowledge in
silverstrip and I dream with a dinamic site.

Nobody says you have to actually implement it, but you need to be
precise in what you want.
For example whether the elements should really appear on /all/ pages
on your site or just on the frontpage and details like that.

Similarily, "I want a slideshow" is not enough information for me.
There are so many different variants of slideshow modules, you need to
be more precise as to where you want it.


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