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the original plan (before the hardware sponsoring for next year was at the horizon) was to move the backup, databases and data to a storage, i.e. a machine with lots of hard disks and fast I/O, that is automatically mirrored to a second machine.

So, the normal servers would only contain software like the web server, but any data is read from the storage, making it easier to scale and migrate "frontend servers".

Given that we might move to a different hoster by next summer or so, because of a generous sponsoring offer, I think it's not worthwhile to invest for this period of time. Rather, we should upgrade our current infrastructure to the same hard- and software, killing current bottlenecks, and then have a stable platform to migrate again in summer.

Right now, any of the servers listed has between 750 GB (EQ models) and 3 TB (EX models) of storage. The new machine we might get sponsored can be scaled from one to eight hard disks, which gives us more flexibility than we have now.

However, remember, since all hardware is rented (which is *much* cheaper, even over a long period of time), we cannot just buy any NAS on the market, but rather need to take what the ISP offers. So, even if there was a good NAS vendor, we cannot use its products if the ISP does not offer it. We also need to consider that the NAS should be in the same datacenter as the servers. Otherwise, we risk traffic payments. We have 15 TB free per month and server, but if all backups are on external machines, that will be exhausted quite fast.


Florian Effenberger, Chairman of the Board (Vorstandsvorsitzender)
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