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Le 2012-11-13 08:47, Marc Paré a écrit :
Le 2012-11-13 06:35, Daniel A. Rodriguez a écrit :
Hi guys, I'm updating spanish installation instructions and have noted
Mac OS guide[1] is quite outdated, images at least. General instructions
are Ok? I'm asking because use this as basis for translation.


Escuelas Libres :: Porque la educación es mucho mejor cuando es libre
LiberTICs Cooperativa Ltda.
Para entrenar, cualquier programa sirve. Para educar, sólo Software
(Federico Heinz)

I will be updating the installation pages with some text in the next day
or two. This to close a bug[1], but the additional text was discussed on
the marketing list[2]. I am trying to keep up and catch up to open
website bugs and trying to close them.

IMO, the text/steps on all 3 OS installation pages should be reviewed
just to make sure that nothing has changed. I can review the Linux
pages, but I can't do the Win or the IOS pages as I don't have a
computer with those OS's.

As far as images go, yes, it may be necessary to update some images.
But, again, I do not have a Win or IOS machine to check these as well.





I've added the text which were discussed on the marketing list. Sorry for the wait.

For Win/Mac I added:

"A reminder that, in addition to the "Main Installer", you will have to download the "LibreOffice built-in help" package which is separate from the "Main Installer". You can use LibreOffice without this package, however, it will then go to the "Help" page on our website instead. A separate "Help" package makes it possible to keep the "Main Installer" significantly smaller for downloading purposes."

For Linux I added the following. The text is different because the setup directions on the page are written differently.

"At this point, you may also want to to install the "LibreOffice built-in help" package which is separate from the installation package. You can use LibreOffice without this package, however, it will then go to the "Help" page on our website instead. A separate "Help" package makes it possible to keep the installation package significantly smaller for downloading purposes."



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