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Hi Friedrich,

Le 2012-10-12 19:58, Friedrich Strohmaier a écrit :
Hi Florian, *,

Am 10.10.2012 11:46 schrieb Florian Effenberger:

 From my point of view there is more than one alternative :o)).

In short:
1. We want (new) contributors contribute without hassles
2. We don't want spammer's contributions

We could solve that through changing the workflow (this is not a quick
solution though):
- Make the "edit" button visible for all visitors.
- Check the authorization of the editor while saving (if not logged in).
- offer a simple account creation method: "Enter Your mailadress here -
   we will contact You. Your *first* contribution will be approved before
   beeing published"
- send the *publishing request* to the moderators/wiki admins.
- after approval send "Your contribution has been approved and published
   <link>" mail to the contributor

Several advantages:
- Very low barrier for the first contribution
- attract Contributors who turn away even beeing faced with a captcha
- The approvers can see and estimate *the contribution* while deciding
   to approve or discard the request.
- The contributor has human contact and we (humans) can contact the
   contributor :o))
- one more simple task (easy hack) to participate the project in a
   helpful way.

- more work to filter the *first contributions*

This is just a rough edge draft of how it could be done the "community


Not sure if I like this. It means that the spammers would be able to add content (whether accepted or not) AND also get an account at the same time. This means the moderators would have to verify the edits, and, if spam, they would have to say no to the edit request, delete it and then remove the account from the list.



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