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I have gone back and made some fixes. (inline comments)

Le 2012-07-31 16:23, Marc Paré a écrit :
Hi Christian

Le 2012-07-31 10:49, Christian Lohmaier a écrit :
HI Marc, *,

only "technical" feedback for now.

On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 2:31 AM, Marc Paré<> wrote:

The 3.6 release webpage[1] has been readied for the upcoming LibreOffice
v.3.6 release day. Could you have a look at it and let us know of any
problems you may find with it?

I write it with every new feature page, but I just keep going...

When you'd use colorbox (just check the appropriate checkbox), you
wouldn't need to explicitly link all the images for a bigger version.

Thanks. I'll take a look at it and make the changes with colorbox. I am
more concerned with the following:

The reason why I was not using colorbox: I was linking to the wiki just
in case an image were updated without knowing about it (which has
happened before). I thought that this would add a layer of safety to the
links. I believe that colorbox will only resize the image from those
uploaded to a Silverstripe folder?

Images are now all colorbox items.

Also you named the page 3-6-features-and-fixes, whereas the previous
pages are called 3-x-new-features-and-fixes (→ new)

Yup, I just noticed that yesterday and was going to add the "new" when
the checking was done with the Marketing/Website teams. Then I'll let
the language groups know that it is ready for translation -- before the
release date, so that we can coordinate the opening of the pages (if
these groups decide to do so).

So I'd change the url-segment for consistency.

Fixed. Page can now be found at:



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