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Hi Christian,

Le 2012-05-04 18:54, Christian Lohmaier a écrit :
Hi Marc, *,

Le 2012-05-04 15:28, Christian Lohmaier a écrit :
On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 4:04 PM, Marc Paré<>    wrote:

Yes, it works quite well. The colours allowed is a little stingy with the
tool, so the green's are as close as I can get them.

The green is not so much of a problem, the combination with the blue
is what is not optimal :-))

Yup, but Google doesn't give us an option on the blue.

The LO theme on the website has a maximum width of 900px - it should
not be larger than that.

Is there a size that you would suggest? Or positioning?

Positioning: as it is now - I would either make it full-width (i.e.
890px wide, to be in-line with the margin that is used for the
And if it was me, I'd use a height of 450px - at that size the whole
calendar view would fit my browser window even with a horizontal
scroll bar displayed.
(1280x800 resolution, gnome2.x with one panel, chromium browser)

I'll give it a try once the website servers are back up.

Not sure whether it is planned to add text to the page or whether the
plan is to only show the calendar by itself.

I don't think we need any other text. The title of the page seems descriptive enough and we could always modify the page title if we need to. I would like to reserve the most space for the actual calendar and avoid any scrolling as much as possible.




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