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I would like to volunteer to work on the LibreOffice website.

I have skills in PHP, CSS, HTML, MySQL, SEO and Verification (dynamic,
static and formal).

I could begin by looking at warnings and errors found by the W3C
validators for HTML and CSS.

I could also do some static linting of your PHP code.

I am also just starting to experiment with Responsive Web Design as
defined by Ethan Marcotte, so that websites render fine on any web
browser or device.

I used to head up the formal verification effort at ARM in the UK,
whose microprocessors power 100% of the worlds smartphones and tablets
- including iPhones and iPads. I have worked for both electronics and
software companies.

I left ARM a few years ago and moved to Brighton on the south coast of
England, along with my wife and children.

I switched to website design, and incorporated my own company in
December last year:

I'm about to start recruiting but have already set my company policy
to only use open source office suites, with a preference for
LibreOffice. I plan to donate a small amount of money this year, but
would also like to contribute to LibreOffice.



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