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Hi all,

This mail seems to be unnoticed, In any case unanswered..

Cor Nouws wrote (07-03-12 15:40)
Cor Nouws wrote (20-02-12 10:27)
Christian Lohmaier wrote (19-02-12 21:57)

Another item is the version selection/presenting of the different
versions - the whole thing about .0 releases and conservative users
being better served with the old release/one of the following bugfix

Picking out just this one:
maybe it's fine if there is a link to the release policy on top (1st
item) of the release notes?
The release notes have a clear link now, and people bearing more
responsibility for IT tasks, for sure will check those.

I've added this page:

Would love to have it linked in the group of "Handy resources" at the
download page.
Can someone pls explain me how I can do that?

Also, would like to add "optional" to the help-download.

As a side effect of adding our release policy to the navigation, there
is to much text in horizontal direction.
Hmm, I suggest to have one item "features" about the 3.5 and there on
top linking to 3.4 and previous (as is done now with 3.3. on the 3.4
page). OK?


 - Cor

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