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Am 06.12.2011 um 15:50 schrieb Christian Lehmeier:

userbase shared login: OK, should be doable and would be nice to have.
But sharing karma would probably involve quite a bit of adaption, etc.
So I'd not vote for sharing more than just the plain login.

Sharing karma should not be done, as the amounts of karma gain/loss and thresholds must be very 
carefully adapted.
Also, gaining karma in the forum doesn't mean that the user should gain more rights in askbot.

Forums also searching in askbot: depends, I doubt askbot provides an
api for that, so quite some effort.

Writing a view that exposes the search results as json/xml/csv/whatever is quite easy, I think 
between 10 and 50 LOC, depending on the needs.

Askbot is also listed as forum? - probably meant in a wider sense or is
there a hidden feature?

Depends on your definition of "forum".
(no, there is no "hidden feature" that would turn it into something
like Jforum or phpBB - it is a question & answers site)

It is definitely meant in a wider sense here.


Alexander Werner <>
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